Connect 12/29/16

Posted on December 29, 2016.

"Taking Forward Steps in Jesus" Begins Sunday
Worship @10:30am
Note: Sunday school starts on January 8

Hey everyone,

To start the year, we’re beginning a series about taking positive forward steps in 6 key areas of the Christian life based on Colossians ch 3. These key areas come up every day and include:
• Our spiritual lives and being spiritually fresh: Spiritual Renewal
• Self-control: addressing recurring issues and patterns detrimental to our lives
• Words: dealing with our communication and how we use our words with others
• Relationships: how to approach difficult and challenging relationships in our lives
• Work: how to Biblically look at our work and work in a christian manor.
• Outreach: that is, how can we positively impact others lives for Jesus.
I'm looking forward to how the gospel impacts each of these areas of our lives and marking the real progress we'll see in our personal lives and the lives of others. It starts this Sunday!

Yours in Christ!
