Our Stephen Ministers


Bill Mueller - Stephen Leader and Stephen Minister / Stephen Ministry Administrator

As a Stephen Ministry Leader and ordained Deacon, I've been called to cultivate a culture of caring for members of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church congregation and our surrounding communities. After more than 45 years working in the steel industry, I entered Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in the spring of 2014 and completed the requirements for the Servant of the Church Certificate. I am currently completing the requirements for a Ministry Diploma. Bill and Shawnee, his wife, moved to Colorado in the fall of 2015. 




Linda White - Stephen Leader and Stephen Minister / Stephen Ministry Training Coordinator

Since 1991, I've been called to minister to women in difficult circumstances of many kinds, including addiction and relationships. Here in Redeemer I am a lay leader in our Stephen Ministry, a distinctively Christian listening/caring ministry. If you'd like to talk and see how we might come alongside you, please call our church now at 303-841-6211. Your call is confidential and safe. Blessings to you for a path made straight. As you read this, know God is with you. At this moment. So are we.


Tim Stewart / Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator

Mary Felker - Stephen Minister
Tim Kesler - Stephen Minister
Shawnee Mueller - Stephen Minister